Conversations from the back seat.


One of my favorite things to do is driving. Weather its a quick run to the store, picking and dropping off my son at school, or for absolutely no reason at all. 

My usual driving routine begins with checking everyone has their seat belts on; which most of the time involves me yelling or bargaining to get the kids to hurry up.  After that I choose what I’m going to listen to and crank the volume to drowned out the numerous questions floating from the back seat.  But every so often I keep the music off and listen to my children’s conversations.

They vary from “Landen, That was NOT very nice’,   “Mom I’m SOO HUNGRY”,   “Ooo Ooo I CANT HOLD IT, POTTY!!” to “I love you mom, your so beautiful”  The latter is my favorite of course.

From time to time I find myself tilting my rear view mirror up to disguise my uncontrollable laughter.  I absolutely LOVE my children’s take on life. 

This morning, driving home from dropping Landen off at school, Vienna asks ” Mom, what does Ridiculous mean?”

I replied ” Silly, or absurd…Bizarre”

“Well..” She continued on in a very sassy tone. ” My Nails look Ridiculous! REEEEDDDIIICKULOOOUS!!” 

I found myself bursting out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter to which she replied “Its really not funny MOM”

When did she become a teenager?

Other conversations have included what they want to be when they grow up. My favorite was Vienna’s choice of being a “Rainbow Catcher” and Landen at one point wanted to be a big fat bear.

I am beginning to think that where I teach my kids the most is in the car. Explaining words that are way to advanced for their vocabulary, what traffic lights mean, why we should respect others, and of course to NOT copy mommy when she yells “Your an IDIOT” at other drivers. Many occasions we have discussed feelings, worries they may have, and problems or achievements at school. The most difficult conversation I have ever had with my son was in the car.

The topic of death, heaven and what happens when you die. I have never cried so hard watching my son cover his face to hide his tears after asking me when will his grandparents pass away. 

My car is so much more than transportation. Its a school, a place to learn life’s lessons, and best of all a comedy club.  I hope my kids remember our conversations when they grow up, and if they don’t… They will have a blog to read all about it!

Till my next post…

xo -Alyssa


How I hate Wisdom Teeth.

Its quite an interesting thing being a mom, and still balancing your own health.

All night last night I tossed and turned, tossed and turned…. then turned some more, all over getting this silly Wisdom tooth taken out!

I mean really… I brought two human beings into the world… have raised them to this point unscathed… and yet the thought of having a tooth taken out had me TERRIFIED!

So I made all the arrangements for my children and was dropped off at the Dentist.    Ativan Sizzling beneath my tongue,  I shuffled my way through the door.

An hour and a half of freezing, tugging, snoozing, TV watching, and finally the removal of the tooth, I realized it really wasn’t that horrifying after all!

I really do not think I have had that much peace and quiet watching TV in the last 6 years.

So… Pain killers in my purse and a fresh wad of gauze in my pocket I stumbled out of the office, no doubt looking like a crazed woman with a half frozen face!

I got into my friends car (who might I add was so sweet to drop my son off at school, watch my daughter and pickup my lethargic butt from the dentist).

Clicked on my seat belt and attempted to stay conscious.  Then from the back seat I hear ” Mumma….Are you OK?”   Ughhh those sweet SQUEEKY little words made HALF my face smile…haha.

I replied  “Yes Hunny, Im fine”  which really came out   “Yeeessshh hoony, I fine”

The Drive home was a blur… I wasn’t much company for my friend driving us home, altho if I would have talked, it may have totally grossed her out!

Into the house my daughter skipped… I shuffled along behind her dreading the looming fact that my freezing will eventually wear off. Not to mention that as soon as I step out of my shoes she would be tugging on me relentlessly, squealing for a snack.

Vienna Fed, and Propped in front of a Netflix movie (Thank god for Netflix!!)  I decided, What a perfect time to lay in a nice hot bath and enjoy some silence.   THAT idea was short lived… like usual.

I wake up to a terrifying scream in my right ear…. “MOMMY!!! MUMMA!! MOOOOOOM!!!!! Why are you BLEEDING?”

Fantastic! I had fallen asleep with my head propped up in the bath.  Apparently, according to my daughters screams;  I was drooling during such sleep… and blood from my gaping tooth wound was trickling down my chest.

I have officially destroyed my daughters faith in the dentist, embarrassed myself, and possibly scarred her for life!

Luckily she can be soothed quite easily with a kiss on the cheek and a reassuring explanation that her mother isn’t dying.

Their appointments are for Monday…. Wonder what I’ll have to bribe them with.

And as for me, I have been keeping up with my pain medication, haven’t been sipping out of straws or spitting as the dentist outlined in the DO NOT do section of the form.

I find it odd and inspiring that mothers can balance so many things at once. We have a major procedure done, or are deathly ill,  but yet can still continue on to do our everyday duties.  Change the laundry, pick up our kids from school, make dinner, tend to our children’s 101 questions, the list goes on.    Its an amazing gift we have been given. I am grateful that I haven’t lost all my hair, or been committed to the nearest psychiatric hospital!

All in all it was a good day. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow holds….  really hoping it doesn’t involve explaining to another parent why Vienna is talking about my naked sleeping body covered in blood.. (Vienna doesn’t keep anything to herself!)

Good night! xox


My First Post!

Welcome to my BLOG!

This marks the first of hopefully many nightly posts!!

6 years have Flashed by and I wish I would have started blogging about being a mom sooner!

So I guess for those of you reading this (who do not know me personally) Here is a little summary of the last 6 years of my life!

-Married in 2006 to Sam (whom I had dated since the age of 17)!

-August 2006 after nearly losing my life due to Pre-Eclampsia;  My sweet son Landen was brought into the world!

-September 2007- Miss Vienna graced us with her room commanding presence!

– Lots and Lots of MOVING… 2007-2010!  Ha! (Saskatchewan being one of the wonderful stops on our journey!)

And the Past year, Landen started kindergarten, and I began my photography business ( Alyssa Rae Photography)!

So, there it is! A short glimpse at the last 6 years!  Eventually I will go into more detail 🙂

Please Enjoy reading my blogs about my day to day life as a mom.  You will have to excuse poor grammar, run on sentences, over exaggerated words and some interesting stories!

xo – Alyssa