Like, dem words doe. The demise of the english language

I truly believe the malignancy ( ma·lig·nan·cy  / noun:  very dangerous or harmful in influence or effect) that has begun to chip away at our society commenced with the calamitous (ca·lam·i·tous / adjective: catastrophic; disastrous.) movement of abbreviation.

Having a conversation with someone can be incredibly painful when every other word is “Like” and there is constant use of lazy abbreviations of words. A perfect example: Incredible “my lunch was like, so increds today. Did you see that episode of real housewives? That house doe!”. It pained me to write that last sentence.

There is no passion in discussion anymore. No love of communication. The days in which the word Mellifluous ( adjective: A sound that is sweet and smooth; pleasing to hear) and Disheartened ( Verb: cause (someone) to lose determination or confidence.) are lost, akin to the romancing sound of a Shakespearean sonnet.

We are now more inclined to spend our free time, glued to the television or I pad, numbing ourselves with the endless selection of reality TV shows. It’s no wonder our knowledge of language has flown right out the window, along with respect and work ethic (trust me… I’ll be touching on this subject in another blog). No longer are we more enthused to fill our time flipping page after page of our favorite book; engulfing the deep recesses of our minds with images formed by deep, meaningful words. Gone are the times we had our friends over for dinner; spending long nights laughing and conversing about past stories, current events and future plans. A bright blue and white thumbs up is now what our communication consists of (oh but wait!… now you can do a love, smiley, sad, angry and shocked face.. we’ve progressed!!)

Now hold back your pitch forks and burning brooms, my intent is not to be a hypocrite. I do after all post my blog on social media and spend a little amount of time perusing Facebook, liking and sharing peoples posts. I also have an extensive book collection which I have currently read 60% of, and learn a new word every day; and avoid reality tv and well anything that isn’t the discovery channel as if it were the plague.

Language defines us. It moves us. It breaks down barriers. For example; instead of responding to someone’s funny message with “I actually found that to be incredibly humorous, I enjoy when you say things that make me laugh” we write back: LOL.

Look at how impactful the first method is; it included acknowledgement, the receiver was complimented and it left room for a returned response which would in turn continue a conversation. “LOL” is dismissive, cold, emotionless.

Language has power, and we are becoming weaker and weaker. It is borderline embarrassing; a man running for president uses his words to assure his voters that there is nothing wrong with the size of his cock (pardon my French). And a prime minister who includes the word “UM” after every 2nd pre scripted sentence in his speach as he flicks his dark flowing locks and smiles with 2 pandas craddled in his arms.

Words and their power; words can change the world; or simply our own seemingly insignificant existence on this planet. Words can dig someone out of the trenches saving their lives, they can break someone or build them up to do something great. Words can envelope the love of your life and allow them to understand the depths of your affection, your needs, hopes and desires.

We need to revive and resuscitate the English language; the art of communication.  First step is to ban trashy celebrity magazines (which by the way, infuriates me to think they stock such things at places like chapters). Second: Cancel the Kardashians and every desperate housewife reality TV show and invest in the distribution of dictionaries and thesaurus’s (Thesauri?).

We need to reinstate the importance of how we are portrayed, as humans, when we communicate effectively and beautifully with words that move us and speak to our souls. If not, we may as well keep reverting back to the time we grunted and pointed at objects to communicate.

For the love of stew.

As much as I try to lean towards making the new recipes posted on Pinterest and all over Facebook, I can’t help but always fall back on old classics. My mother used to make the best home cooked hearty meals, so I believe I will start sharing with all of you! Aren’t you lucky!


Hearty Stew with Mashed potatoes



1 package of cut up stewing beef (or a beef roast cut up into bite size chunks what ever is on sale…. What!? Inflation has made shit expensive!)

1.5 cups of flour

3-4 table spoons of olive oil ( or anything greasy works… veggie oil, margarine or butter)

4-5 sticks of celery cut into bite size pieces (smaller for little mouths of course!)

4-5 peeled and cut carrots (or mini carrots cut in half)

1.5 cups of peas

1 onion – Chopped all chunky like

3 cloves of garlic – or if cooking for Kayle make that 5.

1 ‘jug’ of campbell’s beef broth ( if jug were a measurement it would be 900 mls)

3 cups of water

3 shakes of worchessshisitershire sauce ( yeah… still can’t pronounce it)

2 tablespoons of powdered mustard (photographed is Colman’s; so far my favorite and the tin is fashionable)

1/2 cup or three squeezes of the no spill bottle of ketchup

and if you want it extra beefy tasting:

1 packet of beef oxo


Start by tossing the beef in the flour while heating up the oil in large stewing pot. If you are using a crock pot use a frying pan. More dishes to wash but hey, if you’re wanting to leave it stewing while you’re out, crock pot is the way to go!

Sauté those badboys until browned, this will help to make your dish extra tasty.

Throw in the onion and sauté until clear. Next is the carrots and celery, sauté for about 5 min and then toss in the garlic for about a min to bring out its flavour.

Place all of this into your crock pot if that is what you are so inclined to do. If using a large pot start adding all of your other ingredients (except for the peas, no one likes soggy peas) Yep it’s that easy!

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer on low for 2-3 hours.

In a crock pot, on low for 6 or on high for 4.

Add salt and pepper to taste!

When you are all ready, the veggies are cooked to a soft perfection you are ready to make your mashed potatoes! I don’t think I need to make instructions for these make em how you like em! My trick for extra creamy potatoes is to add a cup or so of milk and mix with a hand mixer after releasing some aggression with a masher!

And there you have it, the best stew you will ever have!
Any questions please comment below!

Sorry there’s no finished photo. We ate it all before I could get my camera out, it’s that good!


Double exposure.

Lately I have realized how much I love the challenge of trying new artistic endeavors. It takes you away from the crazy day to day; work, kids, bills, traffic, humans, news, frustrations etc.

For a moment, you escape. This is why I fell in love with photography. Technology grasped firmly between my hands, the sound of the shutter closing with a snap as it captures what you lined up perfectly. The ability to artistically modify your image in editing software, or enjoy what you have created as an original image. I have been doing photography since grade 8, when we got to use an old Pentax film camera [which is still my favorite, one day hopefully I will have a dark room of my own]. My spare blocks were spent hiding out in the high school dark room, occasionally I would skip math to do the same thing [sorry mom!]. Needless to say, its always been my escape.

There’s something about having full control over your creations but at the same time, no control at all. Your mind processing what’s in front of you, and your hands changing the angle, settings, and focus to produce what you are hoping for.  Which brings me to my title; Double Exposure.

Now to use this as a metaphor in my life. On one end, I am a mother. My life is dedicated to raising, taking care of, and loving two other human beings. In this, I must be completely selfless. There’s not much room for the things I want to do, although I try to make time. And to be honest, I have embraced this. I did, at one time feel resentful of this fact, and at times it made me feel boring and unattractive (not in the physical sense of the word).

I did not have any thrilling stories to tell about the time I climbed to Machu Picchu to watch the sunrise, or of all the friends I had made on my adventures abroad. And that’s okay! With some self reflection and growing I learned that being a mother, or parent, is successful only by investing everything into your children. Now….. So many of you are going to say… You can’t take care of others unless you take care of yourself first. And I do believe in this. But I also believe that our minds have so much more control over our emotions and physical well beings than we give credit for. We have a choice to do things for our selves that will not interfere with being a parent and raising our children. I am a woman, a human after all. I need things for myself. I forget this all the time. I feel deep guilt for wanting a day to do nothing. Just one day where I sit on my computer, fiddle with my camera and write blogs or read. The dishes taunt me, and so does the laundry. A double exposure. A balance. If one is under exposed the other will overtake the image. If one is over exposed it will no longer be visible.

I hope you enjoy two of the images I created when I stumbled upon this option in my Nikon D300s settings. It took me a few tries, and they are slightly Photoshopped. One is of my son and a canvas of New York city we have hanging on our wall this one was Photoshopped just to turn black and white, the other of my daughter and some flowers I have in a vase, this one was Photoshopped just to enhance the color.

For those of you who are not versed in the art of photography: Double exposure is what some photographers would do when using film. They would take one photo, rewind the film back to that frame and take another photo creating a layered effect. Now we can do this on our digital cameras, by using the setting and taking one photo after the other, and the camera the work for us (its not as easy as it looks though).Landennewyork

VIenna Flowers.jpg

Cabin Porn. Future Goals

So very excited about my new purchase!

As you all may know, I love books. I have a bookshelf full that have yet to be read, and some that have been read over and over again, pages wrinkled and worn. Today my 2 best friends and I took a trip down to Wendel’s cafe & bookstore to pick up our lunch [You must try their chicken and avocado wrap; its incredible!].

On display, just out of the corner of my eye, I spotted it; Cabin Porn. A book that calls to me. Kayle and I have been talking lately about how we would like to eventually live a simple, quiet life away from the insanity that is living in a busy city. Needless to say, when I saw this book I had to have it. One step closer to our future plans.

Filled with tips on how to live simply, examples of cabins, and some great personal stories from people who live out in the wilderness. Not to mention some amazing photography, its up there on my list of best purchases.

I highly recommend buying this book! And support your local business by buying it at Wendel’s… plus just down the street there is the best bakery ever ( ).. Not that I would know of course….

Hey you! Retail public! [A message from a car salesmans spouse]

The feeling of the cool spring air brushing past your face as you drive down the smooth ash-vault path; foot steadily on the gas pedal pressing you closer into your seat. The long red dial ticking clockwise as the roar of the motor envelops your ears. The crisp smell of fresh fabric and newly fabricated leather paneling. The excitement you get when the color, options and sparkling set of rims are calling out to you; the perfect new ride.

This is all a part of this experience we called…. Buying a new vehicle!

Now. Maybe this is not the feeling you get when YOU are buying a new car. Maybe it’s as simple as you need an update from your old vehicle, your current one is no longer safe, or large enough for your growing family. Or maybe, you do feel this way and you are excited about your car buying experience…Maybe you have a passion for every detail that has been thought out and put into making your future purchase one to turn heads.

For some, buying a car is daunting; terrifying if you will. The image of a middle aged, overweight, pushy, partially unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt wearing, guy named Morty, is often what pops into a lot of consumers heads when they think of a car salesman. I can guarantee you…. this is something you see in a late 1980’s movie depicting a “typical” car salesman; and may possibly be accurate for 2% of the sales population. Another interesting stereotype is that ALL salesman in the automotive industry are liars and will try and take advantage of you in your excited car buying frenzied state. Well, yes…. There are (unfortunately) some who, do infact, try and overcharge or make more money on a sale than what is reasonably fair. But that’s like saying all mothers should be banned from giving their children cold medicine because a small group of incompetent parents used it as a tool to get them to sleep (this is an actual example that happened… but yes we still have access to cold medication). Why? Because not all parents are the same. Neither are doctors, lawyers, McDonald’s counter staff members and salesman, to name a few examples. Educate yourselves… You’ll see what I’m talking about.

Now, for my point of view. I love my passionate, enthusiastic, charger driving, car magazine buying, talk for 2 hours before bed about new products on the market automotive salesman of a boyfriend. Now this is a man who is truly passionate about what he does; what he sells. Countless evenings I have listened to the low rumbling sound of an engine bellowing from youtube and the marvelous child like giggle he gets when the driver presses down on the gas pedal and the sharp sputter and whip of the exhaust hits you deep in your chest. Our grocery list includes the latest edition of motor trend as do birthday and Christmas wish lists. He is not alone in this feeling. Many people who have chosen this career too, genuinely LOVE cars. But slowly, I am seeing his light fade; his excitement to go to work waiver. This is not because of the products he sells. It has nothing to do with his coworkers, or management. Not because of his hours, or pay (which BTW to all you consumers out there…. Car salesmen Do Not make a dime if they do not sell… which equates to many unpaid hours spent at work).

What is the reason you ask?  Well… It’s because of you. Retail public. Consumers. Those of you who have no concept of keeping or canceling an appointment. No respect for others time or effort. Those of you who lack communication skills and the capability to be honest about what you are looking for, your commitment to buying, and your financial situation. Don’t get me wrong, a part of their job is to give you their time and attention to help you buy the right vehicle, one that you will be excited about, one that you can financially handle. But if you find yourself being described in any of the above statements, then you have no business stepping foot in a dealership unless you clearly state: ” I am not buying today, or anytime soon, thank you”.

A few other reasons you should not be stepping into a dealership:

-You owe large sums of money to debt collectors or are not up to date on your child support.

-You have claimed bankruptcy in the last 3 years, or had a vehicle repossessed in the last year; especially not  in the last 2 months! (yes this has happened)

-You just want to sit in the new Charger Hellcat that is on display in the show room.

-You want to test drive a car with no intention of buying.

-They offer great tasting coffee, their balloons are keeping your kids occupied and it’s raining out.

– You want to know the value of your trade in before even looking at a new car; and the trade in isn’t even yours, it’s your moms.

-You are looking to buy next year. But want a full and detailed descriptions of what’s available on the lot now.

I do realize that our views of things differentiate due to our individual perception. Our brains forming ideas and opinions based on our surroundings, experiences and stories from other people’s view. So I apologize for my previous rant. But there’s a perspective you don’t get to see. And from a commission sales point of view, life, in this industry can be incredibly stressful. You are fully depending on the public to be able to pay your bills and take care of your family. This business can be incredibly lucrative, with hard work, time and determination. But again, with dependence on the public. I suppose my whole point in writing this is to hit these key points:

1. Your time is not just your time.

2. We humans have not developed the ability to read minds. Be honest. It’s disappointing when a sales person is expecting a sale (sometimes putting off other customers for you, and possibly losing another sale) and then you really weren’t interested or we’re hiding some financial problems to the very end hoping it won’t be noticed. BTW: you are applying for a loan! Of course your credit will come into account! Be aware of your financial status! Not just for the salesman’s well being but for the rest of society.

3. He or She has other places they would like to be; their children’s hockey games or school concerts. Family events, holidays etc. be prompt and on time!

4. Don’t ask for more than what you are willing to pay for. They need to keep their lights on too… They are after all running a business. If you want leather seats and navigation… You are going to have to pay more. You don’t go to Walmart and negotiate on the price of a BBQ! Then ask them to throw in the BBQ sauce and tool set for free! You’re lucky they can make things work for your budget the best they can.

5. If you are shopping around, just say it. It will waste less of your time and your salesman. They are most likely wanting to keep your sale and will work to get you the best price they can. And hey, if a guy has spent a ton of time on you, and you do go look at prices somewhere else, let him know. It’s common courtesy. And you never know, maybe there’s something else they could do for you? Either way. Be respectful.

6. Other dealerships will always give you more for your trade to win you over. They just hide the cost in your final numbers. Be aware of this. Be aware of what you are paying for, read everything before you sign, and ask for a breakdown.
So to sum this up, please take this post to heart. Have fun buying your new car, but keep in mind, the person you are dealing with is also a human, with goals and bills to pay. Not only will this make a way better experience for you, you will gain a salesman you can trust and depend on to provide you with a vehicle that isn’t going to put you in the hole. They work hard to gain repeat business and referrals, it’s how commission sales works!