For the love of stew.

As much as I try to lean towards making the new recipes posted on Pinterest and all over Facebook, I can’t help but always fall back on old classics. My mother used to make the best home cooked hearty meals, so I believe I will start sharing with all of you! Aren’t you lucky!


Hearty Stew with Mashed potatoes



1 package of cut up stewing beef (or a beef roast cut up into bite size chunks what ever is on sale…. What!? Inflation has made shit expensive!)

1.5 cups of flour

3-4 table spoons of olive oil ( or anything greasy works… veggie oil, margarine or butter)

4-5 sticks of celery cut into bite size pieces (smaller for little mouths of course!)

4-5 peeled and cut carrots (or mini carrots cut in half)

1.5 cups of peas

1 onion – Chopped all chunky like

3 cloves of garlic – or if cooking for Kayle make that 5.

1 ‘jug’ of campbell’s beef broth ( if jug were a measurement it would be 900 mls)

3 cups of water

3 shakes of worchessshisitershire sauce ( yeah… still can’t pronounce it)

2 tablespoons of powdered mustard (photographed is Colman’s; so far my favorite and the tin is fashionable)

1/2 cup or three squeezes of the no spill bottle of ketchup

and if you want it extra beefy tasting:

1 packet of beef oxo


Start by tossing the beef in the flour while heating up the oil in large stewing pot. If you are using a crock pot use a frying pan. More dishes to wash but hey, if you’re wanting to leave it stewing while you’re out, crock pot is the way to go!

Sauté those badboys until browned, this will help to make your dish extra tasty.

Throw in the onion and sauté until clear. Next is the carrots and celery, sauté for about 5 min and then toss in the garlic for about a min to bring out its flavour.

Place all of this into your crock pot if that is what you are so inclined to do. If using a large pot start adding all of your other ingredients (except for the peas, no one likes soggy peas) Yep it’s that easy!

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer on low for 2-3 hours.

In a crock pot, on low for 6 or on high for 4.

Add salt and pepper to taste!

When you are all ready, the veggies are cooked to a soft perfection you are ready to make your mashed potatoes! I don’t think I need to make instructions for these make em how you like em! My trick for extra creamy potatoes is to add a cup or so of milk and mix with a hand mixer after releasing some aggression with a masher!

And there you have it, the best stew you will ever have!
Any questions please comment below!

Sorry there’s no finished photo. We ate it all before I could get my camera out, it’s that good!


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