Products of our environment.

Place a goldfish in a small bowl… It stays small. Place a goldfish in a large pond and it will more than triple it’s size.

Us humans (for the most part) are very much the same. We are incredibly impressionable, sometimes in the best way and other times in the worst. Situate yourself around drama filled, gossiping, negative people and eventually you will be subconsciously dragged into the same perpetual motion. I see this all the time. You become comfortable in the idea that it’s normal behavior, that everyone is like this and well… You shouldn’t expect any more. A great example of this is religion but that’s an entirely separate blog post.

The opposite situation happens when you situate yourself around moral driven, successful, positive people. You gain a sense of healthy competition, positivity, and higher your standards of what you will accept and gain the strength to make the choice to move away from anything different.

The problem therein lies that more often than not, people are negative and not many people are aware of being a product of their environment. Our moral standards as a society are then dragged down.

I’m not quite sure where I’m going with this blog post.
I suppose it’s to make a point…. And my point is that we need to educate ourselves, and our future humans (yes… I’m referring to children lol) to restore the balance of negative and positive; preferably tipping more towards the positive.

Social media portrays do gooders and positive/ inspiring quotes making us feel and seem like we are a loving, positive and compassionate race …. For example the ice bucket challenge. I can guarantee that more than 70% of the ice water drenched video subjects had/ have absolutely no idea what ALS ( Lou Gehrig’s disease) is. And I doubt more than 10-15% of them actually donated money to the cause. Yes, I will admit, it was a great cause, and blew up social media. It brought awareness to this crippling disease, but it also caused people to think they are gaining some sort of karma by instagramming/ facebooking their freezing cold endeavor, giving us a very skewed view on how corrupt, demoralized and negative our society has become.

But I digress….. I suppose my purpose in writing this is to make you, the reader, think about who you surround yourself with. To make you aware of the power and strength you have to walk away from this insanity and to refuse to perpetuate this parasitic behavior. We all have a choice to steer away from anything that doesn’t move us forward in a healthy and positive way. In turn this will have a domino effect and just maybe, my faith in people, humanity will be restored.